What the Bible actually says about money

Most Christians feel pretty conflicted about money. Of course we need it and deep down we even desire it. But admitting that to ourselves (and definitely to others) feels somehow wrong.

It’s true that the Bible has plenty of warnings about riches. But it’s also true that the Bible openly celebrates success, prosperity and wealth. So which is it?


Lol. It’s both. 1 Timothy 6 tells us not to put our hope in the uncertainty of riches but on God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

In other words, having money is not the problem. Putting our hope in it is the problem.

Jesus himself along with his disciples was supported for three years of ministry by wealthy business women.

Money can do all sorts of wonderful things for the kingdom of God. It can also bring all sorts of benefits to our personal lives by supporting our family, increasing our quality of life and being a blessing to those around us.

It’s ok to have money. In fact, it’s good to have it. To succeed in business, we need to address our limiting beliefs and negative thinking around money. The good news is that it’s possible to renew your mind (think Romans 12) and transform your business.

That’s exactly what I’m helping many creative business owners do as the Digital Rabbi.

Learn more about how I can help

You don't have to work 16 hour days

Our greatest temptation as Christian business owners will be to tap into the hustle culture around us in the world.

Many influential leaders and pastors have unfortunately modelled this for us. We’re told to sacrifice everything, go all in and live big for Jesus.

The only problem is that you can’t actually live for Jesus if you’re burnt out, dead or worse.

Is there really any point making a shed ton of money and succeeding in all of the material metrics if your personal life is in ruins?

I don’t think so lol.

I don’t want to build a great business if it means things like:

  • My kids hate me
  • My marriage falls apart
  • I don’t sleep more than two hours in the night
  • I’m carrying crippling anxiety

There is another way and Jesus explains it to us in Matthew 11. We submit our rhythm to Jesus and allow him to direct our steps.

This is the key to avoiding burnout – keeping in step with the Holy Spirit. If it sounds simple, it’s because it is. But don’t confuse simple with easy.

Ironically when we embrace rest, we tend to find that our creativity and productivity actually skyrockets. Hustle culture is a lie that will leave us bereft.

You can build a great business without working 16 hour days and weekends. 

Find out more

About the Digital Rabbi

Hi there, I’m Sats Solanki. As a church pastor and creative entrepreneur, I’ve been helping people unlock their own brand of genius for the last 17 years.

Now I help business owners leverage their creativity to make more money doing what they love without losing their soul in the process.

My story

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