I help creatives with three things

1. Vision

Most of us have an idea of what God is asking us to do. But getting serious clarity around the vision actually gives us that boldness and grit that will actually get us there. We move from a nice idea for another day to an unstoppable conviction about the future.

2. Strategy

Vision needs to be outworked in practical steps. There are many ways to get to the future and that needs to be customised to your unique circumstances, skillset and opportunity. If all roads lead to Rome, some roads are quicker and more enjoyable.

3. Accountability

Why don’t we do what we actually want to do? This step is where most creatives stumble. It’s because God has designed us to outwork our dream with the help of others. This is not about telling you what to do so much as helping you fulfil your own commitment to yourself and to God.

Find out more

What creatives are saying about the Digital Rabbi

“Sats, with patience and knowledge and humour, guided me towards my goals. He has great insight, often noticing things about me that I hadn’t noticed myself. Highly recommended.”
– E, Author

“Hi Sats, just wanted to reach out and say thanks. Yesterday I stepped out of my comfort zone and put myself out there on video! The post was more popular than any of the others where I’ve hidden behind a Canva image 😂 I then approached a local health food store who have offered to stock my products! You gave me the push i needed, thanks a million x”
Samantha Wells, Entrepreneur

“Yo bro, I just have to say thank you. I finally got the ball rolling. I was dragging my feet and life woke me up 😂 I’ve launched the website, have a new logo, and have merch set up. Also working on the course. Idk everything just clicked for me in my head. What I wanted the brand to look like, from the logo to the fashion, it just clicked. Thank you for helping me find that.”
SJ The Artisan, Artist

“Just wanted to say a big thanks for the training last week. I know they found it hugely helpful – they’ve both learnt so much from you, and are very grateful. Thank you so much for putting that all together.”
Paul Rigby, Creative Director

Learn more about how I can help

About the Digital Rabbi

Hi there, I’m Sats Solanki. I’m the pastor of Reflect Church in London, UK. A few years ago I felt God wanted me to start using my experience as a creative and a pastor to help serve and encourage other creatives to pursue the dreams on their heart.

My story

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