There's a dream on your heart that won't go away

I offer coaching to Christian creatives like you who know the Holy Spirit is asking you to do something.

  • You feel a call from God and have a big dream on your heart
  • Your highest goal is faithfulness and obedience
  • You’d like to create an income from your creativity
  • You’re looking for practical help and spiritual encouragement to get there
Sats Solanki - Digital Rabbi - Reflect Church

What creatives say about the Digital Rabbi

“Sats, with patience and knowledge and humour, guided me towards my goals. He has great insight, often noticing things about me that I hadn’t noticed myself. Highly recommended.”

– E, Author

“Hi Sats, just wanted to reach out and say thanks. Yesterday I stepped out of my comfort zone and put myself out there on video! The post was more popular than any of the others where I’ve hidden behind a Canva image 😂 I then approached a local health food store who have offered to stock my products! You gave me the push i needed, thanks a million x”

Samantha Wells, Entrepreneur

“Yo bro, I just have to say thank you. I finally got the ball rolling. I was dragging my feet and life woke me up 😂 I’ve launched the website, have a new logo, and have merch set up. Also working on the course. Idk everything just clicked for me in my head. What I wanted the brand to look like, from the logo to the fashion, it just clicked. Thank you for helping me find that.”

SJ The Artisan, Artist

“Just wanted to say a big thanks for the training last week. I know they found it hugely helpful – they’ve both learnt so much from you, and are very grateful. Thank you so much for putting that all together.”

Paul Rigby, Creative Director

Anything can happen in six months

Why we don't do it

I put so many dreams on the shelf to follow Jesus and build his church. But there comes a time when God asks you to pick them up again. There is a time for a sacrifice but there is also a time to boldness and decisive action.

Some of my personal milestones in the last few years have been things like

  • I started going to the gym 5x/week (18 months in and counting)
  • We signed a lease for a permanent church building
  • We released three singles (the album is coming this year)

I wonder what dreams God is asking you to pick up off the shelf. Whether personal, church or business. When you know your heart is surrendered to God, desire is often a good indicator that God is asking you to do something.

If you’re a creative with a big dream that you’re feeling compelled by the Holy Spirit to outwork then you’re in the right place.

My coaching programme will lead you through three simple steps.

  1. Vision. This is about setting a goal
  2. Strategy. This is about understanding how to get there.
  3. Accountability. This is about making sure you actually do the work

I find most creatives I know have a pretty good handle on vision and strategy. But accountability is often where we get stuck.

Imagine what could happen in the next 6 months if you actually followed through on the commitments you made to yourself?

No guilt trip needed, I just know that God has designed us to move forward with the help of others. And I believe that God has called me to help creatives like you take great strides forward with the vision that is on your heart.


  • Monthly 60 minute strategy calls with Sats
  • WhatsApp accountability + access to Sats (Mon-Fri)
  • Six-month business coaching programme
  • Holistic perspective covering all things spiritual, psychological + practical
  • 17 years of creative leadership & pastoral insights

“Sats, with patience and knowledge and humour, guided me towards my goals. He has great insight, often noticing things about me that I hadn’t noticed myself. Highly recommended.”
– E, Recent Client

Every programme I create is bespoke

Every client I work with receives a customised approach and strategy. That’s because every person is unique and in a different place. I want to truly understand where you are and what I can do to help before I lock in an offer.

This means I can be flexible about offering and why I don’t share any prices on the website. I am committed to creating something of immense value that will bless you.

Use the button below to set up a no-pressure call so we can discuss and share a tangible offer with you.

Book a call