32: The Secret To Deep Work

Every significant innovation requires a reasonable period of unbroken focus (aka Deep Work). Not only is deep work so powerful but it has become even more unnecessary in this super connected and distracted world we live in. Master deep work and you'll always be able to be successful in employment or in your own business.

In this episode, I share some principles from a book I reread recently called Deep Work by Cal Newport. I also share what happened in implementing some practical steps - the results were astonishing.

Join The Garden - an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

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31: Challenging The Metrics of Success

As we come towards the end of 2024, I've been taking stock of the success and failures of the year. One thing that's so important is that we look to the right metrics. Worldly metrics include all sorts of things that can be unhelpful but God is actually just looking for faithfulness and obedience.

I think you'll find this final episode of the year helpful in turning down the pressure and bringing you back to a place of peace.

Join The Garden - an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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30: Stop Giving Away Your Energy

The key to fulfilling the purpose God has given you is developing the capacity to say no to the things you're not supposed to do.

Life is full of demands and relationships that demand something from us. This is not intrinsically bad and we don't want to lose a sense of generous or care for others. But we do need to protect ourselves (hello self-control) through healthy boundaries.

Join The Garden - an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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29: What's Really Stopping Your Business Growing

Fear plays a much bigger role in our decisions than we realise. Growing in self-awareness (and ultimately self-control) will allow us to do the things we truly want, even if we feel uncomfortable doing them.

When it comes to business, we may avoid doing certain tasks or putting ourselves out there because of fear but then we rationalise it intellectually afterwards to explain why we aren't where we want to be.

Breaking the cycle can add huge growth to your business - if you do the work, it will succeed!

Join The Garden - an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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28: The Power of Saying No

When we say yes to everything, we inevitably end up saying no to the things that matter most. This is crazy when we consider that the truest definition of success is faithfulness. If we don't steward our time and energy to ultimately say yes to God and the things he wants us to do, then we'll miss out on fulfilling our call.

In this episode, we talk about some practical ways to set boundaries, deal with the awkwardness of saying no and truly honour our commitments without building resentment or frustration with being taking advantage of.

Join The Garden - an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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27: How to Exude Confidence

Confidence is not only attractive, it's essential for any creative building a business. Clients can sense your energy and a healthy appreciation of who you are and what you do is going to set you up for success. In this episode, we talk about what the Bible says about confidence and how to find it.

Join The Garden - an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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26: The Future of Social Media

I believe there is a shift happening. There is a real hunger for genuine connection and authentic interactions online (and in life and in general). In this episode, I share some reflections from a recent event I attended as well as my own learnings on how to make social media a life-giving tool instead of a mood hoover.

Join The Garden - an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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25: I Made Every Sales Mistake So You Don't Have To

Over the last few years, I've made pretty much every mistake you can make in sales. This was (partially) deliberate. I was being intentional about learning and growing my ability to sell. I've discovered that you can sell things (like your creative work) and you don't have to be manipulative or pushy to do it.

There's a way to sell that feels good and everybody wins. If you're going to build a business then of course you need to make sales. 

The Garden launches on Wednesday 6th November 2024. Join an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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24: Why We Feel The Pressure To Produce

I've found that the most beautiful moments of creativity come when I'm the least focused on producing. Getting back to abiding and simply being with Jesus will open up inspiration and great fruitfulness. But why is this so hard for us to do?

Often it's connected to the identity we've built around productivity and achievement. In today's episode, I talk about how we can unlearn and become curious about some of these things, freeing you up to have a more enjoyable and blessed life.

The Garden launches on Wednesday 6th November 2024. Join an authentic community for Christian creatives designed to draw out and release your creative gifts and dreams. Find out more at https://digitalrabbi.co/garden

Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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23: A New Wave of Creativity

Environment is powerful and church environments can release or restrict creatives and creativity. I share some reflections on how pastors and leaders can usher in a new wave of creativity through their church.

Some of these thoughts are very fresh and require a dramatic change of thought around our entire model of how we do church. Enjoy!!

Find out about coaching for Christian creatives https://digitalrabbi.co
Start a conversation with Sats on Instagram @satssolanki

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